Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Play-Lists... Yeah!

 My sisters and I have an addiction... to play-lists.  I think Erin started it.  She usually starts most addictions,  but so does Aubrey.  So between the two of them I find myself addicted to everything from Jane Eyre, to Jane Austin, to chocolate truffles, and play-lists.  

This is a cover I made for my first play list.  It has a theme... if you didn't notice.
This one, I also made for my second play-list.  Also, themed.  They're love songs.  Just to put that out there.  
We sure do have fun making play-lists.  CW thinks its quirky and "old-school".  Pssh... As If!  
But, hey, if you have a chance, check out some of these songs.  I find them also highly addictive.  Enjoy!

Photo Prop Cards

An adorable gal I served with in Young Women's (Jamie Page) just had a baby girl, and she asked me to make some photo-prop cards for her!  The idea is, you take a sweet picture with the little baby next to the coordinating card for months 1-12, and, if you want, you can put together a book of their first year, or something along those lines.  The final product is quite adorable. 
There are two styles here.  The other set, I made for Jamie to give to a friend who was also expecting.

I made the cards out of heavy card stock paper, and finished them with different patterns of printed paper on the opposite side.  They turned out really nice, and I'm mad at myself for not taking pictures of the finished cards.    

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Snellen Eye Chart Printable

There have been a lot of Snellen-type prints lately. Seems to be a bit of a fad going on, so I thought I'd join the party. Can you tell what it says? This could make a good hand out for a church lesson, or something.


This is Mo. (The cute blondie on the left) She is my lil' sister in law and one of the sweetest gals you'll ever meet. She is also a Volleyball star. Obviously I need to get some pics of her playing v-ball, rather than in her cheer uniform.

Anywhooo... Volleyball season just ended and I found this tag I was asked (by my Mother in law) to make to put on a gift for the team last year. It was tied to Gatorade bottles with tulle and flair! What's pretty cool is that it's generic enough to use for any athletic season, just change the school colors!

Retro Paper Designs!

These designs have so many uses. You can use them for anything from wrapping paper, to cards, to tags. The options are endless. Just save them and print on some card stock and create!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tea Party Invitation

Erin and Aubrey started the tradition of an annual tea party when I was about 19 yrs. old. I remember the first year it became an annual tradition; Erin made these home made mint chocolate truffles... oh my, they were so amazingly good, and literally melted in your mouth. I am embarrassed to say that I cried. Yeah... they still make fun of me for it. "Remember that one year when Ashley cried when she ate the truffle!!? She's such a softy..." blah blah blah. I am not a softy. It was just a happy day that day.

Here are the prints for the invites I sent this year. I assembled them with some pretty paper and glued petals between the pages. It looked quite good for a Shakespearean - Autumn themed tea party. All our little nieces were dressed up as fairies. They were so sweet! I love them.

The verse on the above page is from the play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream". It is a highly entertaining play/ comedy. I had to arrange each flower and color it accordingly for the color scheme. It took a bit of time, but I was pleased with the outcome. Whaddayathink?


Serving as a Laurel's adviser is wonderful. I love getting to know the girls, and the other leaders more. I designed the above print, and this hand-out for a Young Women's lesson a couple weeks ago and gave it to the girls with some Popcorn. The lesson was about making good decisions when dating, etc.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

We. like. to. parteee...

This is Ginger. She is my sister-in-law. She is effortlessly adorable (all my sisters/ sister-in-laws are). She's having a baby. This gives us a reason to party. I love any reason to party. So... we had a baby shower. It rocked.

This is Whitney (far left), Lindsey, and Jamie. These are all members of the family on CW's side. Whitney was in charge of the games, and she did a superb job. They were creative and fun. At the beginning of the shower, she gave everyone ice cubes with little rubber babies frozen inside and whoever had their baby melt out of the ice cube first had to scream out, "My water broke!" *hahaha* The first one to win was CW's 14 yr. old cousin Kenidee. It was a riot!

Now for the food! I made these little labels, and had no motivation to use them when the time came for it, but thanks to Mo (Morgan CW's youngest sister) they made it to the party.

Did you see those cupcakes!!? Just take another look. My sister Erin made these. They are the experience of heaven in one bite. Here we have actual food for the soul -a potential cure for cancer-, and as Aubrey (my oldest sister) would say, "SO GOOD! You could use them for currency!"

Oh, and I made the pinwheels as toppers for the cupcakes. Very, very easy to make.

From left: Kylee #2 (the newly-wed), Dannika #3 (the goof ball giving her soon-to-be nephew a high-five; and Basketball star), Ginger #1 (almost 9 months along), Morgan #4 (aka Mo-money: volleyball star), and Marsha -Cody's Mom (aka super woman --right up there with my Mom, Erin, Aubrey, and Racquel). Cody (CW) has four little sisters. The numbers indicate order of the sisters, oldest to youngest.

Then they decided to throw me in the picture (to add some chocolate color to all that blonde), along with Grandma Larsen, CW's last remaining grandparent; as well as, one of the best people I know.
And... *drum-roll please* The Three Stooges! -Me, Aubrey, Erin- You couldn't find better friends anywhere. The little half-pint in the pink is Madeleine (Aubrey's oldest) --she can't take her eyes off those cupcakes.
I don't blame her. Just look at 'em!!

P.S. I have Erin's exceptional photography skills to thank for these pictures! She captured everything perfectly.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Madeleine's 5

Cover for Madeleine's b-day party invitation. Folded in half with party info on the inside.

K+C Thank you

Whipped this up for Marsha (CW's Mom). Printed on craft paper and tied with some tulle and ribbon to a gift for those who were a great help with the wedding. Turned out pretty sweet for only having spent about 2 minutes on the tag. I'm in the process of working out how to add a generic label to download. Hopefully, I'll have that soon.

Ginger's baby shower

I have been wanting to throw a baby shower for quite some time. I finally had the chance once things started to calm after Kylee's (CW's lil sis) wedding. Ginger is CW's other little sister and she is ready to have this baby out of her belly and in her arms. Needless to say, we are all anticipating the first Grandchild on the Webb side! I made this announcement for the occasion. I will follow with some pictures soon.
Here are a few chevron food labels I made as well.