Life is Beautiful

Beautiful things surround us every day.  All growing up, I learned to look for beauty.

My father, who is a Civil Engineer, was always creating things in his spare time.  He is one of the most talented people I know.  Anything he doesn't know how to do, he buys the book, and teaches himself.  He created everything from beautiful pots made with a chicken-wire-putty base, to water-colored pictures where you could get lost in the simplicity of the image.  He taught himself the fine art of leather-work, carpentry (which he also learned from my Grandpa), he learned to make the finest hats that could easily contend with Stetson.  These are just to name a few of his abilities.
My Mother is the perfect compliment to my Dad.  They go together so well, and it was never a mystery that they're the very best of friends.  She is an amazing seamstress; each project a masterpiece.  Her skills as a master chef kept everyone happy at the end of each day, when we would sit together and have family dinner.  
 Now that all of their children are starting families of their own, they have found joy in creating beautiful things together.  They do pottery together, sculpting, canvas painting, even book-binding.  Each time I visit, I am acquainted with something new, something beautiful.

Please understand that this introduction is to discuss something further.  Life is Beautiful.  How can you look at the fine details in a rose petal, feel the velvet, yet fragile texture, and not feel peace?  How can you watch beautiful colors shine through clouds during a vivid sunset, as bees hum nearby, or feel the tiny fingers of a sweet, perfect, innocent, new baby, and not feel peace?  
Take a moment and stand still.  Listen.  Ignore the busy traffic of everyday life for just an instant.  Step outside the hustle and bustle of your To-Do list, and find something beautiful about your surroundings.  Look outside your office window at the majestic mountains, or pick up a leaf off of the sidewalk, that was about to be trampled underfoot; hold it up to the sunlight and observe its glow.  I beg you, let yourself feel peace.  Your Heavenly Father has a hand in this beautiful peace.  He knows you; he knows your fears.  He sent his son, Jesus Christ to suffer every imaginable pain, fear, or affliction, so that when we are at our lowest, our most painful, our most frightened state, we will have someone to turn to!  
There are so many uncertainties in this life.  There are so many imperfections that blind us to what is beautiful, and important.  A challenge I have set for myself, is to continue looking for beauty, and looking for the good that lies within each, individual person.  Treat others with sincere love.  Always look for opportunities to learn, and be humble.  Be ready to serve.  Look for opportunities to serve.  Be grateful for the good, and plenty in your life.  Allow hardship to strengthen you like a refiner's fire.  -These are just a few things I'm challenging myself to do.  I know it will take much practice, if not my entire life, but believe me when I say;  I would much rather live a life seeking after things which are "virtuous, lovely,  or of good report, or praiseworthy...", than let anger, bitterness, or doubt into my heart, and cloud my judgement.                      

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