Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tea Party Invitation

Erin and Aubrey started the tradition of an annual tea party when I was about 19 yrs. old. I remember the first year it became an annual tradition; Erin made these home made mint chocolate truffles... oh my, they were so amazingly good, and literally melted in your mouth. I am embarrassed to say that I cried. Yeah... they still make fun of me for it. "Remember that one year when Ashley cried when she ate the truffle!!? She's such a softy..." blah blah blah. I am not a softy. It was just a happy day that day.

Here are the prints for the invites I sent this year. I assembled them with some pretty paper and glued petals between the pages. It looked quite good for a Shakespearean - Autumn themed tea party. All our little nieces were dressed up as fairies. They were so sweet! I love them.

The verse on the above page is from the play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream". It is a highly entertaining play/ comedy. I had to arrange each flower and color it accordingly for the color scheme. It took a bit of time, but I was pleased with the outcome. Whaddayathink?

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